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Barcelona Playground

Event details

As a cross-KIC event under the lead of EIT Hub Israel, we will be tackling one of the burning topics in ecosystem management – “Ecosystem Monetization for Startup Growth”. The Playground is a boutique event providing you with tools, a platform for knowledge sharing, and the chance to further expand your network.

A Taste of the Playground Topics:
– Models for ecosystem monetization – a case study from NYC
– Workshop: Moving from freemium to premium and identifying my ecosystem’s assets
– Acceleration as a lead to investments
– Financial sustainability for startup programmes
– White labelling
– Panel discussion: The golden rules of pricing

EIT Urban Mobility Investment Manager Pablo Garrido and Business Creation Manager Matteo Consonni will co-facilitate the breakout session on Acceleration as a lead to investments.

There is space for 60 ecosystem leaders from top pan-European and Israeli organisations, coming together for this unique professional training event, networking, and personal development. EIT partners can register for a discounted price of €150. Spots are limited and the registration deadline is 21 March or until all places are taken:

29 March
17:30 – Opening meetup – FuckUp Night, cocktails & networking at a cool bar in Barcelona
30 March
9:00 – 18:00 THE PLAYGROUND @ Factory 103, Mallorca 103, Barcelona

For any questions email

30 March 2022 - 9:00 to
30 March 2022 - 18:00


Factory 103