Home > Request for Proposals: InnovEIT Policy Event
9 June 2022
By the present procurement procedure, Innovation Hub East of EIT Urban Mobility is aiming to appoint a single provider with whom to co-organise an event in Brno.
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is an independent EU body strengthening Europe’s ability to innovate. The EIT is an integral part of Horizon Europe, the EU’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.
EIT drives innovation across Europe by bringing together organisations from business, education and research and find innovate solutions to pressing global challenges to create, cooperate and innovate.
EIT Urban Mobility is the leading innovation community in the field of urban mobility that integrates more than 250 partners across the whole value chain of urban mobility and facilitates collaboration between the public sector, cities, industry, and the academia.
The event in Brno is an integral part of the INNOVEIT Weeks 2022, which will consist of several decentralised events across Europe with, showcasing how Europe’s largest innovation ecosystem offers opportunities for innovators at every step of their journey throughout Europe.
To maximise synergies between the urban and mobility communities of practice, EIT Urban Mobility is organising this event in Brno, ahead of the European Commission’s flagship conference ‘’Urban Mobility Days’’ (20 – 22 September in Brno), a joint event of the CIVITAS and ELTIS initiatives, taking place during the European Mobility Week, and an official Czech presidency event.
This will create a momentum to attract interested researchers, Horizon2020 and Horizon Europe projects, industry, and policymakers to the INNOVEIT Brno, creating synergies with the EIT ecosystem and ensuring cross-fertilisation.
Positioning the event in Brno will help to further extend the reach beyond the capital city of the Czech Republic, where the majority of EIT Urban Mobility partners is located. The aim is to strengthen connections with medium-sized cities like Brno that are of vital importance to the EIT ecosystem structure and the Regional Innovation Scheme. The alignment with the Urban Mobility Days will help to achieve the needed impact and scale while building bridges across the innovation communities and attracting new partners.
The event will focus on innovation in the urban mobility sector to create more sustainable and liveable cities, accelerating the debate about urban mobility challenges that cities are facing – from air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions to congested urban areas.
EIT Urban Mobility in cooperation with other KICs will bring forward impactful innovations from the community that are helping cities solve their challenges. EIT Urban Mobility will take the lead on the organisation of the conference and will actively seek to involve other KICs. EIT Digital has already expressed interest to take part.
All information, including the detailed scope of work, deliverables, and terms & conditions can be found in the Request for Proposals
Deadline for submissions: Extended! 27 June 2022 at 16:00 Central European Time.
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