Mobility Talks 27: How can better mobility planning reduce air and noise pollution in cities?
With many European cities struggling to meet the air quality limits recommended by the World Health Organisation or the ones set out in the regulation, measures to reduce air pollution in urban areas are a central part of the sustainable mobility transition. These efforts are often not limited to air pollution, but often have positive […]
The urban mobility transition: How can the EU achieve more sustainable transport
Urban mobility and sustainable transport play a pivotal role in the EU’s broader green transition goals. For the EU to meet its commitment to reducing carbon emissions and achieving climate neutrality by 2050, innovation and transformation in the mobility sector are crucial. Our latest study on the transition toward sustainable transport shows that investments in […]
Working session: New Mobility Guidelines | Generalitat de Catalunya
Noves Directrius nacionals de mobilitat de Catalunya | Inici de la participació (esdeveniment en CATALÀ) Les Directrius nacionals de mobilitat són un instrument de planificació clau per establir el marc general de la mobilitat a Catalunya, d’acord amb els preceptes de la Llei 9/2003. Guiaran l’elaboració dels plans directors, dels plans específics i dels plans […]