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Matchmaking Breakfast | IMST 2022

Event details

EIT Urban Mobility RIS Hub Latvia together with EIT RawMaterials RIS Hub Baltic invites you to join the 5th International Conference “Innovative Materials, Structures and Technologies” (IMST 2022).

The aim of this matchmaking event is to inform stakeholders about funding opportunities under the raw material, urban mobility, circular economy, sustainability, and climate areas, and ensure the development of joint initiatives and projects between stakeholders participating in the event.

Matchmaking breakfast will include activities to help participants learn more about different stakeholder interests in raw materials and urban mobility-related topics. Also, the participants will be able to use this event as a platform to find the match between stakeholders and connect by increasing the possibility of making new consortiums and project applications.

The event will consist of two main parts. During the first part, the participants will have the opportunity to gain an insight into EIT and other funding opportunities (e.g., Horizont, Life+, Interreg, national funds, etc.). During the second part, the matchmaking activities will allow the participants to understand better each stakeholder’s interest and future perspectives for joint projects.

The event will be hosted by Elina Mikelsone and Reinis Budrikis.

28 September 2022 - 12:00 to
28 September 2022 - 15:00


RTU Campus