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Tailor-made Solutions and Financing for your start-up

Event details

EIT Urban Mobility is organising an online conference, in collaboration with ENISA, on 8 February, from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m., aimed at young companies and startups working in the field of urban mobility.

The session has two objectives: on the one hand, EIT Urban Mobility will present the different solutions and programmes focused on the creation and acceleration of startups. On the other hand, ENISA will explain the different financing lines available to Spanish SMEs and entrepreneurs.

The session will also feature a round table discussion that will bring us closer to the experience, trajectory and future plans of two companies funded by ENISA and two startups that have benefited from the EIT Urban Mobility acceleration programmes. Together, they will discuss the challenges and opportunities present in the market for new entrepreneurs. First-hand testimonies will help better understand the wide range of solutions and support offered by both entities.

At the end of the discussion, all questions and doubts will be answered to accelerate the access to the solutions presented.

IMPORTANT: The session is addressed only to Spanish entrepreneurs, start-ups and “pymes”. The language will be Spanish only.

AGENDA – Download the agenda as a PDF File: Agenda Jornada EIT Urban Mobility_ENISA

  • 10:00 h Welcome. Presentation EIT Urban Mobility
    Daniel Serra, EIT Urban Mobility Innovation Hub South director
  • 10:10 h Presentation ENISA
    Carmen Cuesta, Communications Director ENISA
  • 10:20 h Round table Startups
    Moderated by Matteo Consonni, EIT Urban Mobility Business Creation manager
    Participating startups: VonzuBiaPowerHoopCarpool
  • 10:50 h Q&A session


    Attendance to the online session is free of charge but registration is mandatory. 
    Click HERE to confirm your attendance.
8 February 2022 - 10:00 to
8 February 2022 - 11:00