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Have your say on sustainable mobility transition in COVID19 times!

At EIT Urban Mobility, we are working hard to understand the main challenges and strategies as well as the external factors (threats) influencing the design of urban mobility projects before the crisis. But we cannot do this alone. This is why we have designed a survey to gather insights on the effects the crisis had on these strategies and priorities and which measures have been taken to react to the current situation.

All the insights gathered will then be analysed by the European consortium (BABLE, CARNET, CTAG, and UPC), which  is currently working on a handbook to support cities in making their urban mobility systems more resilient and sustainable while taking the current pandemic as an opportunity for that transformation. The handbook will provide an evaluation of the mobility measures taken during the pandemic, few months following their implementation.

The insights, experiences of the EIT Urban Mobility City Club members and leading European cities collected through the survey will be fundamental to demonstrate which opportunities exist and how to capitalise them.

Interested in having your say? You can contribute to the survey here.

Survey results will be collected and stored by the EIT Urban Mobility. Results will only be available to the consortium for analysis until the completion of the handbook, expected on 31 December 2020.  

Upon cities’ consent, EIT Urban Mobility will acknowledge each participant, and may reach out with some follow-up questions and invitations to present study findings at expert events or in the media.

Contributions will be collected until 31 October 2020. For any questions regarding this survey, please contact Yoann Le Petit, EIT Urban Mobility Factory:

We thank you for contributing to this handbook, and ultimately supporting other cities in their sustainable mobility transition.