The European Commission launched an EU-wide public consultation to gather citizens’ views on the future of digital education during the COVID-19 recovery period and beyond.
The consultation aims to gather the experiences and perspectives of a diverse group of stakeholders including researchers, higher education institutions, and the private sector on the lessons learned from the COVID-19 crisis, the way ahead until the end of the crisis and the future of digital education.
Over 2300 responses have been submitted to the consultation so far. It is available in 23 official EU languages and will be open until 4 September.
The results of the consultation will feed directly into the new Digital Education Action Plan, planned for adoption later this year.
The Action Plan – a key component of the Next Generation EU recovery instrument – will address lessons learned from the COVID-19 crisis, while also outlining the future vision for digital education in Europe. Its main goal is to support Member States, education and training institutions and citizens in their efforts to adapt to the digital transition and ensure a fair and inclusive recovery for all.