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I have a question for you on active mobility

Have you ever wondered how much are you contributing to save the planet with your urban mobility habits? Running 10 km every day to go to work means saving almost 700kg of CO2 per year. Therefore, every minor active mobility action can be of utmost importance to make our cities more liveable

EIT Urban Mobility has a strong focus on developing mobility solutions that makes cities more liveable. On the one hand, it calls for a reshape of policies to grant citizens with safe spaces. This will allow them to ride their bikes or have a run without the risk of being rolled out by cars. On the other hand, it calls for an understanding of citizens of the responsibility that each of us have in saving the planet.

Today we will learn more about this topic from different perspectives!

We will deep dive more into the concept with Manuel Crespo, Innovation Officer for the EIT Urban Mobility.

We will learn more about the project InclusiveBike that is already functioning in the municipalities of Bergamo and Bilbao.

Finally, Mateusz Kaluza, from the Business Creation Team will tell you how was the experience we had at EIT Urban Mobility with the MUV Challenge!

Watch the full vlog below!