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Our RIS Hubs

EIT Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS) is an initiative to enhance innovation capacities of countries with moderate and emerging levels of innovation, according to the European Innovation Scoreboard.

EIT RIS operates with two goals in mind:

cable car in prague

Countries eligible to take part in the EIT RIS (2021-2024)

EU Member States: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain. 

Horizon Europe Associated Countries: Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Türkiye, Ukraine. These countries, which are all listed in the European Innovation Scoreboard, will be fully eligible for the EIT RIS, following the successful conclusion of individual Horizon Europe Association Agreements.

Outermost regions: Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Réunion, Martinique, Mayotte and Saint-Martin (France), the Azores and Madeira (Portugal), and the Canary Islands (Spain).



Together with our RIS Hub network, we aim to widen innovation participation across Europe, by focusing on the following activities:

Match and connect

The RIS Hub network is committed to attracting new partners to our community, as well as providing targeted support to individuals and entities from EIT RIS eligible countries to take part in EIT Urban Mobility activities and benefit from our services and programmes. Our Hubs’ objective is to increase EIT Urban Mobility visibility in their regions by raising awareness and integrating the Knowledge Triangle (business, education and research). Their activities are tailored to create impact and facilitate cooperation between relevant national, regional and local authorities.

Education and training

RIS Education programme focuses on capacity building. We promote innovation and entrepreneurial skills around urban mobility and build education infrastructure and collaboration frameworks, where these are less developed, particularly in RIS countries.

Innovations to market

EIT Urban Mobility supports entrepreneurs by promoting the integration of organisations from countries with moderate and modest innovation scores, into the Innovation Programme. Project consortia are encouraged to apply with organisations or countries that fall under the Regional Innovation Scheme. RIS applicants receive additional dedicated support from the RIS Innovation Programme (invitations to events, promotion opportunities, dedicated training and networking with our RIS Hubs community). In addition, RIS applicants may be eligible for a reduced co-funding rate of 25%, instead of the 35% applicable to other applicants.

Support to startups

Our focus is on enhancing the innovation infrastructure and ecosystem in underrepresented regions within the EU, thereby making them more appealing for investment and fostering conditions where startups and innovative enterprises can flourish. We achieve this through grants, equity investments, programmes for creation, acceleration, and growth, and by offering networking opportunities across Europe.


Our RIS Hubs

We support regions and cities that have traditionally faced challenges to compete in the market through the EIT Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS). Currently we operate 11 EIT Urban Mobility RIS Hubs located in Latvia, Serbia, Slovakia, Romania, Croatia, Türkiye, Malta, Greece, Portugal, Poland and Hungary, and there are an additional six EIT Community RIS Hubs in Cyprus, Latvia, Malta, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Ukraine.

The consortia consist of players across education, research, industry and the public sector and provide opportunities linking the innovation ecosystem and the local cities in all participating countries. 

Contact a RIS Hub near you

You can contact our existing RIS Hubs below. If your country is not yet represented by a RIS Hub, contact us at: 

RIS Hub Greece


RIS Hub Hungary

Green Brother

RIS Hub Malta

Project Aegle Foundation

RIS Hub Poland

Łukasiewicz–Poznań Institute of Technology

RIS Hub Portugal

BGI - Building Global Innovators

RIS Hub Serbia

Nacionalna Asocijacija Autonomnih i Električnih Vozila

RIS Hub Croatia


RIS Hub Latvia


RIS Hub Romania

Iceberg Plus

RIS Hub Slovakia


RIS Hub Türkiye

Fark Labs

The EIT Community RIS Hubs serve as a one-stop shop for local stakeholders in the countries in which they are established. Their main mission is to ease access to Knowledge and Innovation Communities’ (KICs) support and identify synergies between the EIT Community and local actors.