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Request for proposal:
Request for proposals: Learning programme for startup dealflow

5 November 2024

EIT Urban Mobility, (hereby being referred to as “EITUM”) is seeking external expert (hereby being referred to as “Expert”), who will deliver a learning programme for participants from selected countries described below and based on existing industry challenges in the field of Urban Mobility focused on university students, researchers, and startup founders (and potential founders). The industry challenges will come from an analytical work with relevant gold and silver partners of EITUM Innovation Hub East and potential industrial partners in the geographic coverage of Innovation Hub East.

The main objective of the programme is to provide a learning experience for the participants in the following areas:

  1. how to understand the urban mobility market challenges and needs
  2. how to define the core innovation target
  3. how to form a well-functioning team to solve the challenge
  4. how to define the innovation value proposition
  5. how to brainstorm and select the innovation product/service idea
  6. how to prototype and test the product/service
  7. how to pitch the product/service

The programme contains a physical networking and inspirational event organized in November – December 2024 and open also to external invited participants in one of the priority countries of Innovation Hub East (Romania, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic).

The scope of the services provided by the Expert is based on:

  • Organising and delivering a comprehensive learning programme for participants from selected countries as described above involving industrial stakeholders, students, researchers, and startup founders; the programme includes analysing industry challenges; providing the above-outlined learning experience for participants; and organizing an in-person event.

Check the Request for Proposals here.

To apply, please send the completed and signed Tender’s Submission and Declaration Form.

Deadline for submissions: 13 November 2024 at 16.00h (CET)

Deadline for submission: