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Request for proposal:
Request for Proposals: Provision of event management services

26 July 2022

Events are an important component of EIT Urban Mobility’s communications strategy and play a pivotal role and channel for disseminating the success and impact of EIT Urban Mobility.

By the present procurement procedure, EIT KIC Urban Mobility aims to organise a series of different events within the timeframe of the Dutch Design Week 2022 in Eindhoven. The scope of these events is for all current, and potential new partners from EIT Urban Mobility’s Innovation Hub West’s working geographies. Professional support is needed to execute, plan, and organise, a series of events in Eindhoven, in the period of 25-28 October 2022.

Some of the objectives that EIT Urban Mobility aims to reach with these events are the following:

A – Event 01: 26 October 2022 – EIT Urban Mobility West all partners event in Eindhoven

  • Strengthen the feeling of the community and belonging to the EIT Urban Mobility community for all our partners.
  • Create awareness about how powerful our community is – we are European, and we have the main actors in the urban mobility sector.
  • Exclusive event – only for the selected Silver & Gold partners – partners’ dinner.

The objective is to gather EIT Urban Mobility partners of Innovation Hub West during the Dutch Design Week (DDW) 2022 in Eindhoven. This will be the second edition of the event. The first edition took place at DDW 2021. This type of event it is foreseen to be organised on yearly basis.

B – Event 02: 25 October 2022 – EIT Open Day, part of INNOVEIT

  • Open Days are focused to an open and wide audience, mostly composed of local decision makers where EIT opportunities and solutions can be presented. Exact thematic will be in line with local challenges face by EIT UM West.
  • EIT Community collaboration – this event would be organised in collaboration with other KICs.

C – Event 03: 22-30 October 2022 – EIT Urban Mobility’s participation at the Dutch Design Week 2022

  • Strengthen the feeling of the community and belonging to the EIT Urban Mobility community for all our partners.  
  • Create awareness about how powerful our community is – we are European, and we have the main actors in the urban mobility sector.
  • Exclusive event – only for the selected Silver & Gold partners – partners’ dinner.
  • Hook event, to convert potential leads into EIT Urban Mobility partners. Some of our ready-to-be partners may also be invited to the event. Focused on Cities.

D – Event 04: 26 October 2022 – DDW 2022, EIT Urban Mobility closing event

  • Increase engagement rates and interaction among the West community.
  • Strengthen the feeling of the community and belonging to the EIT Urban Mobility community for all our partners.  
  • Create awareness about how powerful our community is – we are European, and we have the main actors in the urban mobility sector.
  • Exclusive speakers and a book launch.
  • Hook event, for the potential leads and current partners; with a high-level content.

All information, including the detailed scope of work, deliverables, and terms & conditions can be found in the Request for Proposals.

Deadline for submissions: 3 August 2022 at 16:00 Central European Time.

Deadline for submission: