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Request for proposal:
Request for proposals: Study on costs and benefits of the sustainable urban mobility transition

6 April 2021

EIT Urban Mobility wishes to appoint an external organisation to deliver an analysis – resulting in the drafting of a study gauging the magnitude of investments needed for different types of cities to reach the sustainable mobility objectives laid out in the European Green Deal.

The study should include several scenarios with different ambition levels and solutions to decarbonise mobility in European cities and contribute to the advance of sustainable mobility in cities.

Key elements and requirements we are looking for include:

  • A quantified analysis of the costs of the transition to sustainable urban mobility in model European cities by 2030 and 2050.
  • Different degrees of achievement of these objectives, following different ambition levels and/ or technology scenarios.
  • A cost benefit analysis of the transition for each of these scenarios.
  • The analysis should consider the impact of solutions and/ or scenarios on SUMI indicators.
  • Key dimensions of the analysis include (but are not limited to) impacts on modal split, public space use, commuting times, traffic flows, etc.

The intended start date for this framework agreement is 11 May 2021.

All information, including the detailed scope of work, deliverables, and terms & conditions can be found in the Request for Proposals.


Deadline for submission: